Friday, June 27, 2008


The good news is that a DCF employee, who is furious at COTS, has temporarily given us a spare room... it was a teen boy's...

Parent and child in one room is not the best solution.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

appeal refused.

COTS refused an appeal and has been unclear as to their appeal process.

Mary Anne Kohn has shown no remorse for the effect of her actions on a young child.

Mary Anne Kohn finally admitted that I responded in her time frame. However, she scheduled a meeting this week at a day and time she was clearly told I was unavailable.


Apparently she wanted to meet with me, no matter what, the week of the 16th expecting me to miss work and lose pay. Makes no sense to me. Work = Money = permanent, stable housing.

Friday, June 20, 2008


COTS said, "you have 48 hours to get all of your possessions or they will disposed of."

Uh... is that legal?

Child worried about her toys

We went to get some clothes and saw all our things piled in garbage bags in the COTS office. My child started screaming / crying. She said she was worried about her toy box and asked why it was there. The staff person said to her, “We took your things out of the room so that another family can have the room.” Wrong thing to say to a three year old!

Staff could have said something more developmentally appropriate like:

"We’re keeping it safe for you because we know it is important to you."

Thursday, June 19, 2008

“Get out”

Tatum, COTS employee, called me at 7:40 p.m. on my mobile phone while I was studying for my class. He said, “You have 20 minutes to get your things, then you need to be out of the shelter. You have to get out so we can give the room to someone else.”

My three year old cried, worried about her stuffed animals. When she went to get them, Hillary said in front of her, “You have 30 minutes!” [gee whiz, when we moved in they said we had four months; it hasn't been four months yet]

She cried and said to me "what will we eat for breakfast?"

Why would a homeless agency intentionally harm a child?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"Quiet Hours"

The TV in the room next to me is very loud. My child is having a hard time falling asleep due to the noise. It’s interesting that they claim there are “quiet hours” that they supposedly issue points over. My child asked me to knock on their door to request the TV be turned down. A seven year old child was alone in the room.

I have bronchitis again; all I want to do is sleep.

Child chose to move out

The parent of a 12 year old child told me that the child has moved out. It was the child’s decision because he was tired of the degrading way they treat us here. Staff doesn't even realize that he's gone!